K.W. Colyard
Articles Published
About The Author
I'm a freelance writer and editor from the rural American South. I write. I read. I play video games. I also sleep sometimes. Talk to me about ampersands, blankets, and the Oxford comma.All Posts
Spirit Siege reached its $55K Kickstarter goal, but the project recently went on hiatus. Should backers be worried?
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 25, 2015
You might expect a game based on Moby Dick to let your play as Captain Ahab. As far as Pequod is concerned, you'd be wrong.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 23, 2015
Clemson University is developing therapeutic games for Kinect, including Duck Duck Punch: a game for stroke patients.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 23, 2015
A Destiny player's Thorn was dismantled, arousing suspicions of widespread hacking. The truth was far closer to home.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 18, 2015
Research suggests unskilled male gamers who perform poorly may verbally attack female teammates to save face.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 18, 2015
College athletes featured in video games produced by the NCAA and EA Sports may now receive compensation for their appearances.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 17, 2015
Love pixel art and retro gaming? Follow these great game developer Twitter accounts to get your fix!
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 17, 2015
World of Warcraft guild Method has beaten all thirteen bosses of the Hellfire Citadel raid, but are keeping their - ahem - methods quiet.
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 17, 2015
Film and television have been reviving our old favorites for a while now. Is it time for video games to do the same?
K.W. Colyard
K.W. Colyard
Jul 16, 2015